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CBD could be useful in the medical treatment of elephants under human care
Medical cannabis can be used in many animals because all vertebrates possess an Endocannabinoid System. Despite its usefulness, it is important that it be prescribed by a veterinarian so that the treatment is tailored to the patient. Surely you have heard that medical cannabis can be used for pets, but it could also be useful for animals in captivity. In the following text, we share with you some results observed after the use of CBD as a medical treatment for Nidia, an elephant in a conservation park in Mexico.
The female body and cannabis: How does the plant help us throughout our lives?
The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes by women dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. As will be discussed below, the plant is beneficial at different life stages and biological periods.
Breast cancer patients use cannabinoid medicine alongside conventional treatments
An investigation supported by the foundation revealed that almost 50% of the patients resort to medical cannabis for the reduction of discomfort derived from chemotherapy.
Do you live with insomnia? CBD with melatonin may be an alternative to help you get back to normal sleep.
Sleep is essential for physical and emotional well-being. Therefore, when it is disturbed, it reduces the quality of life and brings with it health problems, being a relevant factor in the development of secondary diseases.
THC and its therapeutic potential
CBD and THC are the two main phytocannabinoids in the cannabis plant. THC is mainly responsible for the high sensation of marijuana, however, it has great potential as a treatment for various diseases.
Personalized medicine: applications of medical cannabis in geriatrics
Seniors are special needs patients, certainly a group that can benefit from medical cannabis or marijuana. Cannabis can help treat seniors with fewer risks than many current medications.
Medical cannabis for the elderly
Did you know that several of the properties of medical marijuana or cannabis can help treat diseases of the elderly? As we age we lose some functions, and cannabis can help counteract some of these effects. Learn more in this text.
Pain and cannabinoids: Learn how CBD can help
Pain is something we've all felt, but did you know there are several types of pain? It doesn't just happen if we get hurt, and it's not always easy to relieve. The cannabinoids in cannabis or hemp help regulate the nervous system and can relieve pain - read on to learn more!
Cannabis can help fight chronic anxiety!
It is normal to feel anxiety and stress. What is not normal is for anxiety to be chronic or long lasting or for stress to be excessive. Among the beneficial properties of cannabis are mood regulation and more... read on...
Cannabis to treat anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder
As physicians, it is of utmost importance to know the proper management of stress and anxiety, as well as the neuropsychiatric disorders that result from them. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic situation has resulted in anxiety and stress disorders in the world's population. Cannabis is an excellent option to mitigate and treat these conditions, learn how in this article.
Cannabis could be used to combat COVID-19
Recently a series of news were published claiming that cannabis may be the cure against COVID-19, or that it could even serve to "close" the pathways of entry of the virus into our body. In this blog we share with you the scientific advances so far.
What to do if you have consumed too much cannabis
Cannabis can be difficult to dose. Smoking or vaporizing too much cannabis, or ingesting "edibles" - such as the famous marijuana brownies or cookies - can lead to excessive psychoactive effects and unwanted symptoms. What can you do if this happens?
The science between cannabis and sex
With the recent cannabis "craze" you've probably come across someone talking about how to experience sex with marijuana, or if cannabis can help us enjoy our sexuality more, alone or in company. If you want to know more about it, read on, here's how!